About Treasure Valley

Reformed Presbyterian Church






In the context of the church, God transforms our lives. He effects this change through His ordained means, shaping us into the likeness of Christ. As we gather as His people, He renews our minds, strengthens our faith, and calls us to walk in obedience. The church is a body in which we grow, serve, and are sanctified. Through His Word, worship, and our daily walk, God graciously conforms us to His will and equips us to glorify Him in all aspects of life.


God’s only infallible rule for faith and life is His Word, the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. In them, we find the truth that sanctifies us (John 17:17), the wisdom that leads to salvation (2 Tim 3:15), and the foundation upon which we build our lives (Matt 7:24-25). As we read, hear, meditate upon, and sing God’s Word, the Spirit renews our minds and conforms us to the image of Christ. In Lord’s Day worship, we commit to the faithful reading and preaching of Scripture, knowing that through it, God speaks to His people and strengthens His church.


We believe our worship is ultimately God-ward focused, and we gather each Lord’s Day to receive and be shaped by God’s ordinary means of grace—Word, sacraments, and prayer. We hold to what is called the Regulative Principle of Worship; that God alone (through His Word) dictates what we can or cannot do in our worship of Him. In biblical worship, we are reminded of His holiness, our need for Christ, and the grace that sustains us. We sing psalms, lifting our voices in praise. We hear the Scriptures read and proclaimed, receiving them as the very words of life. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper (fourth Sunday of the month), we remember Christ’s sacrifice and proclaim His death until He comes again. In prayer, we confess our sins, give thanks, and bring our petitions before our sovereign God. Worship is not about our preferences—it is about exalting the Lord in reverence and awe.


God has not called us to walk alone. As members of His body, we bear one another’s burdens (Gal 6:2), encourage one another daily (Heb 3:13), and stir one another up to love and good works (Heb 10:24). Our fellowship extends beyond the Lord’s Day as we pray, serve, rejoice, and weep alongside one another through the week. In addition to encouraging one other through our gatherings on the Lord's Day, the men sharpen each other in a bi-monthly men's discipleship group and the women strengthen each other in a Bible study every other Friday. The Christian walk is a pilgrimage, and by God’s grace, we press on together toward the goal of our upward call in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14).

Beliefs & Affiliations

Being part of The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, these are our beliefs:

  • The Bible is the Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life.

  • The God of the Bible is the only living and true God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Everyone is born an enemy of God and must confess their guilt and helplessness as a sinner before Him; to profess Jesus Christ, God the Son, as their Lord and Savior, and the only way of salvation; and to seek to forsake all sin and follow His teaching and example in humble reliance upon His grace.

  • God has given us the Church for building us up, instructing us, and at times correcting us. In the context of the Church, God has promised to meet with His people, molding us more into the image of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The authority of the Church is based solely upon, and limited only by, the Bible.

  • God desires that His people grow in their Christian life. To this end He has given us His Word to read diligently, prayer, the Lord’s Day with its worship services, the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion, and the ability to tithe (giving a tenth) from the blessings He has given us.

  • God has commissioned His people to be His witnesses to the world around them by faithfully living as His redeemed children and seeking to win others to Him, in all relationships of life.

  • We believe that our salvation, from beginning to end, is solely the work of our triune God by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ; and relying upon His grace we anticipate with hope and joy the return of Jesus Christ on the Last Great Day.

Treasure Valley Reformed Presbyterian Church holds to historic Christian orthodoxy as described in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.

Our church is a member of the The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, which itself is a member of both the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council and the International Conference of Reformed Churches.

To learn more about The Reformed Presbyterian tradition, click here.


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