Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, you can, though we practice what is called closed communion. It sounds worse than it is. All we mean by closed communion is that the elders are responsible for knowing the profession of faith of those who partake. Every member of our church has met with the elders and given a profession of faith when joined. If you are visiting us on the fourth Sunday of the month and would like to take communion with us, ask to speak briefly with Pastor Hemphill before the service. You can use our “Contact” page to connect with him before you arrive, or you can come 10 minutes early to talk with him. Pastor Hemphill will want to know if you profess Jesus Christ as your Savior, where you are a church member, and if you are under church discipline. Feel free to check out our “Sacraments” page for more details. 

  • We currently do not have a Sunday School program. Being a church plant, we started with worship services and hope to incorporate Sunday School classes as we grow. 

  • From the examples of worship given to us in Scripture, we believe God desires multi-generational worship. The best way for children to grow in their faith is to practice it along with those who are older than they. So, we keep our children in the service. We really do not mind kids making some noise, we believe the sound of children is a blessing. 

  • Yes. We believe baptism by water is the covenant sign that has replaced circumcision. It signifies inclusion into the covenant community, and as circumcision was applied to infants of God’s people, baptism is as well. Feel free to check out our “Sacraments” page for more details.

  • Although we have in the past we currently do not have any members who practice wearing head coverings. The RPCNA views head coverings as a liberty of conscience issue and does not have a requirement for wearing them or not wearing them. If you believe head coverings should be worn, you will be welcomed and not judged by our congregation when you worship with us. 

  • After receiving his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Kansas, Pastor Hemphill attended the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) for his Master of Divinity degree. He has also completed the course work for a Doctor of Ministry through the Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS), though life circumstances prevented him from finishing the final project. 

  • Our worship services typically last 75-90 minutes depending on the length of Scripture reading and sermon. Pastor Hemphill preaches expositionally through books of the Bible. His sermons average 35-40 minutes. We invite you to visit the “Sermons” page and take a listen before your visit. 

  • Every Sunday, we gather together as God’s people to hear, sing, pray, preach, and receive God’s Word. During our Lord's Day Service, we joyfully sing the psalms. We hear Scripture read aloud. We partake of the Lord's Supper on the fourth Sunday of each month. We hear God's Word preached verse-by-verse, and we proclaim Christ!

Join us! We look forward to exalting our glorious, sovereign God together. 


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We look forward to connecting with you and welcoming you at Lord’s Day Worship!